Is Coffee Healthy For Us? What are the Benefits of Coffee?

Is Coffee Healthy For Us? What are the Benefits of Coffee

Happy couple on a date having coffee at the coffee shopAs most of you know I am a huge juicer, I love juicing!  Everyday my husband and I make fresh fruit and veggie juice,  we have for the last 2 years.  Since I have been juicing I gave up my 1 cup a day of coffee never really missed it.  Lately with the colder weather I have been having a cup of coffee. oh just the smell of it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside!  So as I sit here and drink my cup of coffee I asked myself could it be possible that coffee is healthy for us. What are some of the healthy benefits of coffee. The surprising truth is there are actually a lot of health benefits that enjoying a cup of coffee can provide.

Coffee Is Rich In Antioxidants

Coffee is not only a way for most people to have a shot of caffeine to wake them up in the morning, according to research conducted by the University of Scranton it is the leading source for antioxidants in the American diet as well. The antioxidants in coffee are easily absorbed compared to other food sources and the benefits of antioxidants are huge: by eliminating harmful free radicals coffee can actually help promote health at even the most basic cellular level.

Coffee Contains A Surprising Number Of Essential Nutrients

The morning cup of coffee that you have is actually a lot more than just a delicious way to get the day started. Inside your cup of coffee there are a lot of different vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients that our body needs. Some of these include:

Vitamin B5 (also known as pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B2 (also known as Riboflavin)

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)



And much more…

Coffee May Lower The Risk Of Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s

In addition to providing a lot of different nutrients and powerful antioxidants, research has shown that drinking a cup of coffee in the morning can be a way to prevent a lot of very serious diseases. Coffee may protect you from Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.  Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia worldwide. This disease usually affects people over 65 years of age. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s.  However, there are several simple things you can do to prevent the disease from showing up in the first place like eating healthy, juicing and exercising, and yes drinking coffee may be incredibly effective as well.  Several studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease

Coffee Can Be Great, But A Word Of Caution

There are a lot of other benefits to drinking coffee as well: it may help reduce heart disease, some say it could prevent the onset of certain types of cancers, and much more—but there is something you need to keep in mind. The benefits of coffee are from the coffee itself. That does not include all of the other ingredients that some people choose to have added to their coffee. Popular drinks that you get at your local coffee hut often contain a lot of creams, fats, and sugars that could negate some of the benefits.

I do still have my juice in the morning and I do feel that is much healthier then coffee, but now that I have found out that coffee has some benefits,  I believe I will continue to have my one cup of coffee a day.  Are you a coffee drinker? If so, how many cups of coffee do you drink in a day? Let us know in the comments below!