Going Solo On Valentine’s Day Is Ok!

A lot of pressure is put on individuals to find someone to spend Valentine’s Day with, and it causes a great deal of stress. Millions of people will go forward with this holiday and will not share in a romanticized version of the day, and that is OK believe me, I have been there done that I am still alive! However, there seems to be a lot of advertising, and even peer pressure that pushes people to go on dates, find someone special, or just keep a low profile alone in their homes, dreading the day and evening. The truth of the matter is quite the opposite of what most people believe, showcasing that this day is ok if you’re alone, and going out solo is still a grand thing!

Going Solo On Valentine’s Day Is Ok

Loving Oneself  Love yourself in wood type

The old saying you need to love yourself before you can love someone else is actually true!  Without loving yourself, you cannot love anyone else. That’s a primary adage that circumvents the whole notion of the flowery day. If you find yourself alone, why not pamper yourself? Get some fine chocolates, buy yourself some flowers, take a spa day, and enjoy the beauty that comes from embracing who you are and what you’re about. There’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a new lease on the day, and changing the scope of the meaning for however you choose to define it.

Exploring Something New

Valentine’s Day can be a great time to explore something new. Go out and find a new dining destination, and again, indulge in treating yourself to something dandy. You may be amidst couples, but that shouldn’t bug you, as you can seize the day and enjoy the greatness that abounds. Romance is not the main thing that comes with this day, although many will try to seize it as such. Think about this in a whole new manner, creating a special element of exploration for your own well-being.

At the end of the day, this day is meant for celebrating love, and that doesn’t always have to be “romantic”. If you don’t have someone to spend time with on this day, don’t worry, you can indulge in loving yourself. Love yourself on this day, and you’ll find that you aren’t really alone, and you can embrace the holiday in a whole new manner. You never know what very well may happen when you decide to go this route, so open up to something grand.

There’s a lot of pressure every year to make the most of Valentine’s Day. To lighten the mood a bit, here are a few Valentine’s Day Jokes.

1.  From jokes4us.com:

Girl: I can’t be your Valentine for medical reasons.

Boy: Really?

Girl: Yeah, you make me sick!

2. From activityvillage.co.uk:

Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?

A: I’m stuck on you!

3. From primarygames.com:

Q: Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable?

A: Because it’s all heart.

4. From jokes4us.com:

I’m gonna spend Valentine ’s Day with my ex…… Box 360

5. From jokes4us.com:

Q: What’s the best part about Valentine’s Day?

A: The day after when all the chocolate goes on sale.

6. From jokes4us.com:

Q: What did one oar say to the other?

A: Can I interest you in a little row-mance?

7. From boyslife.org:

A Cub Scout found a frog that said, “Kiss me and I will become a beautiful princess.” The boy studied the frog, then put it in his pocket. “Hey,” the frog croaked, “how     come you didn’t kiss me?” “I’d rather have a talking frog than a princess any day!”

8. From jokes4us.com:

I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day because I get to make cupcakes for a special someone and that special someone is me

9. From oldguysrule77.blogspot.com:

Q: What did one pickle say to the other?

A: You mean a great dill to me.

10. From primarygames.com:

Q: What do farmers give their wives on Valentine’s Day?

A: Hogs and Kisses!

11. From primarygames.com:

Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune?

A: Because it couldn’t get a date.

I hope you enjoyed these funny Valentine’s jokes!  Love yourself and enjoy your Saturday!